We are ready to provide enough anti frost candles in time

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Temperatures plunged to below zero last night and this morning leading growers in Burgundy and elsewhere in Europe to awake to an almost wintry landscape – if they hadn’t been up all night seeing to their anti frost candles and other anti-frost measures.

An initial report from the Burgundy interprofession to the drinks business explained that the phenomenon was “extremely” rare but that it affected vineyards across the entirety of Burgundy and that even vineyards that usually escape such freezes have been affected.

The higher vineyards appear to have been the worst affected. There have been other reports of equally severe frosts in the Loire, Languedoc and Abruzzo in Italy.

It should be stressed that the full extent of the damage is not yet known and that it will probably not be until next week that its full effects become clear.

News from winemakers in some areas though is not sounding hugely positive.

More to follow as the situation develops. As a professional China vineyards antifrost candles manufacturer, we are ready to provide enough anti frost candles in time.

China vineyards antifrost candles manufacturer, anti frost candles


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